buy tb-500
Mar 5

I can’t believe I’ve left this blog so long, it was 8 years ago my last post, and Jessie is 10 years old now.


This pic was 3 years ago !  She has grown even more since then!


Anyway, so much has happened in all that time, Jessie has a sister called Sophie!


I sold my old Business Discount Domains – which was a big shame as I put my life into that business, but it wasn’t working out.  I now have another one though, which is slowly developing it features business information on 4 million UK companies.  The idea is good and hopefully it will make enough money for Jessie and me to have loads more great holidays before she is grown up!

I still do my politics as always and even post a bit about Councillors on Reporting Accounts.

Anyway Jessie has a place at The High School for Girls in Shrewsbury



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